The Full Guide to Holistic SEO

holistic seo

Holistic SEO is a comprehensive approach to SEO that takes into consideration the entire website and its related elements, such as content, coding, user experience (UX), analytics, social media engagement, and more.

It’s based on the fact that no single element of SEO should be done in isolation from the others- instead, all parts must work together to create a complete and effective SEO strategy.

In this article, we’ll discuss the fundamentals of holistic SEO and why it’s important. We’ll also look at some practical tips you can use to ensure your website’s SEO is as effective and thorough as possible.

Table of Contents

What is Holistic SEO?

Holistic SEO is a comprehensive approach to search engine optimization that considers all aspects of a website and its related elements. This includes things like content, coding, user experience (UX), analytics, and social media engagement.

It’s based on the idea that each element of SEO should be done as part of an integrated, holistic approach.

This means that all parties should work together to create a complete and effective SEO strategy that leads to higher search engine rankings, which is something that any reputable SEO agency should be able to provide.

Why is Holistic SEO Important?

Holistic SEO is important because with this approach you can ensure that all parts of your website are optimized for users and search engine crawlers. This means your website will be more visible in SERPs and have a higher chance of ranking for relevant queries.

The main goal of users, site owners, and marketers is to have the best site possible, that provides great design, smooth user experience, valuable content, easy navigation, etc.

Holistic SEO can help ensure that all elements of a website are optimized and working together to create the best possible experience for users.

When using this method, the website is actually “covering” many aspects of SEO and reducing the chances of worrying about one or more parts that you have not invested in which can affect the ranking.

For example, making sure your title tags are optimized, can increase CTR > traffic > leads and maybe even improve ranking.

Making your site’s content and user experience better, can lead to a higher time spent on the site as well as a low bounce rate.

Moreover, the better the site is in all aspects, the higher the chance other sites will link to it and ultimately bring more referral traffic, as well as improve rankings.

Want More Traffic?

Holistic SEO Strategies

1. Analyze Your Website

errors on screaming frog


The first step in creating an effective holistic SEO strategy is to analyze your website and identify the areas that need improvement.

Make sure to look at the code and see SEO programming is properly implemented, review keyword usage and density, check for technical issues with a site crawler like Screaming Frog, check for KW cannibalization, Core Web Vitals status, and more.

2. Conduct Keyword Research

keyword research example

Keyword research is an essential part of any SEO strategy, including holistic SEO.

It helps you identify which keywords to target and incorporate into your content to increase visibility and improve rankings.

3. Optimize Your Content

Content is still one of the most important elements of SEO and should be optimized as much as possible. Make sure your content is keyword-rich, relevant, and up-to-date.

Use methods like semantic SEO and structured data markup to make sure your content is optimized for search engines.

Also, optimize your titles and meta descriptions for higher click-through rates (CTR). The higher the CTR is, the more potential organic traffic you’ll get.

4. Improve Your Site’s UX

User experience (UX) is an important factor in SEO and should be given priority when it comes to optimizing your website.

Make sure your site is easy to use and navigate, has a great design, loads quickly, and is optimized for mobile devices.

5. Make Sure Your Site Structure is SEO-Friendly

Your site structure should be optimized for both users and search engine crawlers. Make sure your URLs are short, descriptive, and easy to understand. Also, make sure the hierarchy is logical and all pages are interlinked.

A good and easy way to check a site’s hierarchy is by using the Screaming Frog feature “Crawl Tree Graph” (Visualizations > Crawl Tree Graph) which shows you the hierarchy of your website in an extremely clear way (see below).

site structure tree

6. Invest in Brand Awareness

Brand awareness is an important factor for SEO and you should make sure to invest in it.

Create engaging content, build relationships with influencers, build links from high-quality websites, and establish yourself as an authority in your niche.

This can help improve your rankings and visibility online.

7. Make Sure Your Site is Well Secured

Security is very important for SEO and you should make sure your site is well protected from hackers.

Invest in a good security plugin use other measures like two-factor authentication, and strong passwords, and limit the number of people with access to your site.

Avoid insecure (mixed) content that contains HTTP elements, as this can negatively impact your website.

8. Split Tests

split test

Split testing is a great way to optimize your website for better results.

You can test different elements on your site, such as headlines, images, and call-to-action buttons, and see which ones perform better.

This way you can improve your CTR, conversion rate, and other important metrics.

9. Perform Social Media Optimization

Social media optimization is a great way to increase your brand visibility and boost traffic to your site.

Create accounts on the leading social media sites, post regularly, and engage with your followers. This can also improve your brand awareness, as well as mentions across the web.

10. Optimize for Local SEO

pizza near me

If you have a local business, it’s important to optimize your website for local SEO.

Make sure to include your location in your page titles and meta descriptions, as well as create content that is relevant to the local area.

11. Monitor Your Progress

Last but not least, monitor your progress to see how well your SEO efforts are paying off.

Use tools like Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and Bing webmaster tools to track your traffic, impressions, leads, and conversions.

This will help you identify any issues and make necessary changes to improve your results.

Disadvantages of Holistic SEO

1. Time Consuming

One of the main disadvantages of this approach is that it can be time-consuming and require a lot of effort.

You have to dedicate time to analyzing and optimizing all aspects of your website, which can be quite difficult.

2. Expensive

Holistic SEO can also be quite expensive, especially if you are hiring experts to help you with it.

It can require a lot of investment in terms of time and money, so make sure to think about it before diving in.

3. Many Experts Are Needed

Because this approach relies on multiple aspects, you may also need to hire several experts like content writers, UX designers, developers, PR managers, etc.

This can raise the cost and make it more difficult to manage.

You have to be sure you are getting the right experts for each job, to make sure your site is optimized correctly.

4. Changes Can Take Time To Show Results

Changes implemented in holistic SEO can take some time to show results.

It requires patience and a lot of work, so be prepared for possible delays in seeing improvements in your rankings and visibility.

If a company is low on budget or needs an immediate result, holistic SEO may not be the best approach.

Should You Hire a Holistic SEO Consultant?

If you’re not familiar with all the deep aspects of Holistic SEO and the big picture, it’s best to hire a consultant who can provide the expertise you need.

An SEO expert could help clarify you want exactly is needed and how much time and effort it should take.

They can conduct an audit of your website and create a tailored strategy for improving your rankings and visibility online and they mostly can find the right people for each task (content, design, links).

Another option is to ask for an audit from the consultant or an SEO freelance, which can provide you with valuable insights and tips on what needs to be improved and take it from there, doing it yourself or with the help of others who might work with you.

This way, you can save money and still get good results.


In conclusion, holistic SEO is an effective approach that refers to optimizing all the aspects of your website for better rankings and visibility in search engines.

It requires a lot of time and effort but it can bring amazing results if implemented correctly.

If you don’t have the knowledge or resources to do it yourself, then it’s best to hire an experienced consultant.

They can help you create a tailored strategy and find the right people for each job, ensuring the best possible results.

Picture of Moshe Ben Haim
Moshe Ben Haim

Moshe Ben Haim is an SEO expert and the founder and CEO of B.H Digital.
With over 7 years of experience in the field, Moshe has helped countless clients increase their visibility and reach potential customers online.
Before founding B.H Digital, Moshe worked as an SEO specialist at top-notch companies like Wix, 888 Holdings and Verbit.

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